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    WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro,转换速度最快的高清视频转换软件,支持300多种视频格式转换,有视频转换器、视频下载、屏幕录像、GIF制作、照片转视频、分屏工具、铃声工具等功能。



    – v25.0[Major]– Jun 6, 2022

    1,[Important]Language code updated for indentifying over 100 languages.

    2,[Important]Hardware acceleration support for QSV updated and related conversion erros fixed.

    3,[Important]Added the function to add audio track to video.

    4,[Important]Fixed video birtate not matching preset issue.

    5, When converting audio files with covers to MP3, FLAC, M4A, the cover can be kept. When converting video files to MP3, FLAC, M4A, a frame from the video will be taken as the cover.

    6, Fixed a conversion error when merging videos into some formats.

    7, Fixed the issue that the audio channel does not match preset in the German, French, Spanish and Japanese interface.

    8, Downloader module updated with fix for websites like funimation and crunchyroll.

    9, Fixed the issue that the audio track does not match preset.

    10, Fixed the issue that XVID and DIVX outputs do not match preset.

    11, Fixed the issue that the output file does not match preset when converting videos to 4K/8K AVC/HEVC.

    12, Fixed a conversion problem with some BIN files.

    13, MOV presets optimized.

    14, Fixed a conversion error when merging videos with irregular audio bitrates.

    15, Fixed a premature task done prompt when converting videos to 4K in bulk.

    16, Fixed the issue that batch merge tasks get stuck.

    17, Fixed the issue that the correct duration of DTS files is not recognized.

    18, Fixed a conversion error when rorating videos with image subtitles.

    19, Fixed a conversion error when using Subtitle Extractor to extract some tracks.

    20, Quick merge fuction optimized with widened applicability.

    21, Others


    ﹂独特的HD视频编码技术和批量转换模式,可以转换4K、H265(HEVC)和VP9 视频格式。
    ﹂先进高清视频转换技术(如4K、HD MKV、HD MP4、HD AVI、HD MTS等)
    ﹂支持高清或标清转换4K (UHD), 1080P (FHD), 720P (HD), 480P(SD);


    by 423down.com

    by 注册码:RadiXX11,便携化启动器: Jooseng
    # 便携化启动器写入注册码,启动即为功能完整激活版;
    # 删多国语言文件,减小打包体积,免安装绿色便携化。


    金山云 蓝奏云 飞机盘

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    尚艺源码网 » HD Video Converter Factory PRO v25.6.0


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